screw you, George R. R. Martin.


I wrote a blog recently about some of the [positive] things I learned from my last relationship. I’ve considered writing one about the negative things but for now, I’ll focus on the Game of Thrones obsession he left me with.

Before meeting my ex, I really didn’t read fiction. I’m a lover of philosophy and human behavior and most of my books reflected those interests but one night while we were on one of our first dates, the ex asked me if I read and then suggested Game of Thrones. At first I was dubious, but I decided to give it a go and once I started reading, I just couldn’t stop.

Now, I’ve completed all 5 books and my reading life has suddenly become extremely boring while I await the next installment. I guess it’s a bit like literary pornography. With all the sordid stuff Martin throws into these book, it’s hard to find something else to read in the interim that even vaguely offers the same excitement and believe me, I’ve looked for it.

As it happens, I finished the last book just before my ex and I called it quits and I cannot help but find that more than a little bit ironic. Then again, unlike Game of Thrones, our relationship won’t be coming out with any new chapters.

Thankfully for me (in this particular instance) fiction happens to be far, far stranger than truth.

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